Introduction – Band Essentials 101

Greetings to you and welcome to our course!

If you are here and have read the title, you are very much interested in learning how to play as a band.

This course takes you step-by-step through the principles and techniques you need to know to ace your game in the world of band-playing.

By the end of the course, you will be able to better understand concepts such as instrumentation, band dynamics, communication, preparation, and execution.

What is a band?

When you have 2 or more musicians creating a song together, we have a band.

You will often see many different types of band setups, as there is no single band setup to rule them all.

It can be a singer and guitarist, or drummer+bass+keyboard, and so on.

This creates a relationship between 2 potentially different instruments, and requires musicians to be in sync to make the music sound good.

Why should I learn this?

You and the industry

If you are planning to start your career as a musician, there is a 99.9% chance that you will need to play in a group setting instead of relying on your one-man show.

In that case, it is almost mandatory to know how to collaborate with another musician.

By taking the chance with another sound-creating human, you will open doors to many opportunities that you may not come by on your own.

Think about it. Let’s say you land a gig with a band by playing as a substitute guitarist. If the band finds you capable, they may look for you again in future gigs.

With this, you can eventually find more gigs to perform in.


Here is a question to you: “How far do you want to go as a musician?”.

Just between me and you, I believe that every musician should desire to grow their skillset and become better than they were yesterday.

If you agree with me, then I think that is a good enough reason to pick up this skill.

Playing in a band setting can teach you certain things that you may not learn in a solo journey, such as interaction, coordination, and consideration (AKA how to be a respectful and decent human being).

How much should I learn before playing?

Honestly, there is no need to look for a blog that teaches you to play in a band before you even start playing in one; you can literally pick up the skills by participating in a jam session.

Yes. This blog is useless to you on ONE CONDITION – that you are willing to continuously fall and get back on your feet.

However, having some semblance of music theory and band concepts will go a long way in speeding up your growth and reducing potential embarrassment.

You can find yourself picking up techniques faster when you are mentally prepared beforehand, which of course is extremely beneficial to you as a musician.

If you were to ask me, knowing your DIATONIC CHORDS as an instrumentalist and SONG EXECUTION as a band is the bare minimum if you want to make good progress.

Let’s Begin!

Shall we shall we? Click on the next blog post to start learning. All the best!